Karl Seglem Acoustic Quartet | Live in Marburg 2013 | "Inn i Juni"

Karl Seglem Acoustic Quartet, tour of Germany
Live at KFZ, Marburg (DE) / October 22nd 2013

Playing the songs "Inn i Juni" from the album nyesongar.no

Excerpt from "Trust" @ Kulturkirken Jakob, Oslo
Excerpt from "Trust" @ Kulturkirken Jakob, Oslo
Exerpt from concert @ Kulturkirken Jakob
"Song" from my solo album "Light & loneliness"
"Song" from my solo album "Light & loneliness"
Andreas Ulvo - Song
A music video I made for Anja Eline in 2013
A music video I made for Anja Eline in 2013
Anja Eline - Sihouette